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Stark:  Born 7Nov16 (M) Stark was bred by Kasey McCarty of Fort Illio .

Stark was a velcro youngster whom asked alot of questions in his early days at Glacial Lake kennel. Today he is independent most of the time , but loves to check in for some cuddles in the kennel or free run area. Stark enjoy playing games like toss, tho he may or may-not bring the ball/toy back. 

Stark is a very easy keep in the kennel, and always eats and drinks at races. He has great feet and no injuries to date.

Stark is always eager to train or race and is a super versatile boy with experience in all positions and is chill enough to run beside any dog from my kennel as well as dogs from other kennels and teams. Stark has raced in both dryland and sled on my competitive 2 dog, 4 dog and 6 dog teams, with smooth, strong moment  and endless enthusiasm.

Stark has been training in leader over the last 2yrs and shows problem solving stills and a keenness to work with me. He is a fast learner and a joy to work with . I am very happy with this boys performance and look forward to see this talented male continue to develop.

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